Visitors to Frances Perry House

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Visitors to Frances Perry House

Frances Perry House, the hospital where our patients are delivered, has issued the following advice to visitors.

Visitors to Frances Perry House

All areas of the hospital are restricting visitors to 2 per person (which will usually mean immediate family or support people only).

  • Special Care Nursery visitors are restricted to parents only
  • The Birth Suite is restricting visitors to 1 person per patient.
  • No children to be permitted to visit the hospital (exemptions for antenatal patient’s well children).

Visitors should not enter Frances Perry House if they have:

  • any symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19), such as a cough, a sore throat a fever or a runny nose
  • travelled to a high-risk country – mainland China, Iran, Italy or the Republic of Korea – in the 14 days prior to 15 March
  • been identified as a close contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19
  • arrived in Australia within 14 days from any international destination after 15 March.

Cancellation of the Face to Face childbirth education program and hospital tours

Frances Perry has also cancelled its hospital tours and (group and individual) and the Face to Face Childbirth Education Program. However, the hospital has an excellent online childbirth program Online Antenatal Learning Centre. Contact for more details.

Advice from RANZCOG to pregnant women and their families
Here’s a link to the latest advice from RANZCOG:

We at WOGS will keep you up to date on this quickly evolving situation, and of course we wish you and your loved ones well.