Appointments and entering the hospital

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Appointments and entering the hospital

Coronavirus (COVID-19) update – new points to note when attending your appointments

WOGS and The Royal Women’s Hospital share a commitment to doing everything we can to protect the health and safety of our patients and staff during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

As from Monday 23 March, the following measures will be put in place in line with that commitment.

New measures for entering The Royal Women’s Hospital

Every person wishing to enter the hospital will be screened.

There will only be three entrances to the hospital – the main entrance on the Ground Floor, the Lower Ground floor near to Women’s Emergency Care and the hallway from The Royal Melbourne Hospital. All car park lifts will stop at the Lower Ground floor.

There will be Royal Women’s staff at these entry points and they will screen every person who wishes to enter by asking them about their travel history, health status and exposure to anyone with the symptoms of COVID-19.

Here’s a link showing the layout of The Royal Women’s Hospital

New measures for patients attending their WOGS appointment

Government social distancing regulations mean that we need to ensure that only one patient is waiting for each doctor at any time.

Therefore, our staff will phone you when the patient with the appointment prior to yours goes in with the doctor.

Please be in the vicinity of The Royal Women’s Hospital 10 minutes prior to your appointment as the screening on entry process may take some time.

Please bring only a maximum of one support person to your WOGS appointment. We request that you only bring children to appointments if you are unable to make alternative care arrangements

We at WOGS know that asking our patients and their families to accommodate these changes isn’t always easy. We are very grateful to you for your cooperation.

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