Covid-19 exposure site

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Covid-19 exposure site

A person who was COVID-19 positive may have been infectious when they attended an appointment at The Women’s on Friday 6 August 2021. There are Tier 1 and Tier 2 sites as follows.

Tier 1 sites – Parkville Level 1 public Maternity clinic spaces and Pathology ONLY on Friday 6 August between 7.25am – 10.35am. 

If this affects you, please get tested for COVID as soon as possible and stay in home quarantine until you receive clearance from the Department of Health, regardless of the result.

Tier 2 site – Parkville Grattan Street Ground Floor Front Entrance area ONLY Friday 6 August between 7.25am –8.00am or 10.00am – 10.35am. 

This includes the Grattan Street Screening Desk and open areas around the Ground Floor foyer near the Grattan Street entrance. If this affects you, please get tested for COVID as soon as possible and stay in home quarantine until you receive a negative test. You do not have to wait for the Department of Health to clear you.  Continue to monitor for symptoms and get tested again if symptoms appear.

Please be assured that no WOGS staff were in any of the areas listed at the time. In addition, all of the WOGS staff, including our administrative staff, have now been fully vaccinated.

If you think you have been to an exposure site, please follow the DHHS advice.  If you are a WOGS patient and need to quarantine, please contact us on 9348 1110 during business hours so that we can plan the care that you need during this time, which may be via Telehealth.