Covid-19 update

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Covid-19 update

As you will be aware, the Government has issued instructions for people who have returned to Victoria from NSW or who have visited COVID-19 exposure sites across Melbourne. Certain people in each of those categories are required to self-quarantine and be tested (see the links below).

People who fall into those categories will not be admitted to The Royal Women’s Hospital until they have received a negative result from a COVID-19 test and self-quarantined for 14 days.

However, WOGS would like to reassure any of our patients who are affected by these restrictions that they will still receive all the care they need. If you have to self-quarantine, please notify us. We will postpone any routine appointments that fall in your isolation period but we will still be available for phone consultations.

If you are self-quarantining and need urgent care, do not hesitate to call us. We will then prepare to see you (we will be required to use full PPE to protect our patients, staff and ourselves). Be assured that we have procedures in place that allow us to care safely for all our patients, whatever their COVID-19 status.

Thank you again for your continued understanding and cooperation.

Details of instructions for recent returners from NSW can be found here:

Details of exposure sites in Victoria and what to do if you have visited one can be found here: