COVID-19 Vaccination

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COVID-19 Vaccination
We are pleased to report that all the doctors at WOGS have now been vaccinated for COVID-19.
Here’s a summary of the vaccination guidelines from RANZCOG that are relevant to our patients.
The effectiveness of the COVID-19 vaccine
The extent to which vaccination protects people from getting COVID-19 and passing it on to others is not yet clear. However, the current data show that having been vaccinated results in a reduction in the duration and severity of the disease in people who catch it.
Pre-pregnancy vaccination
There is no evidence that women who become pregnant after being vaccinated are at increased risk of fetal malformations, miscarriage or maternal illness. This is why we recommend that women who are trying to conceive do not delay vaccination. There’s also no reason to delay trying to conceive once a person has been vaccinated.
Vaccination during pregnancy
Although the data do not indicate any safety concerns around being vaccinated during pregnancy, there’s not enough evidence to recommend routine use of COVID-19 vaccines during pregnancy. This is due to the low risk of community transmission.
Vaccination and high risk/vulnerable pregnant women
If a pregnant woman has been classified as high risk and/or vulnerable (if, for example, she has pre-existing medical conditions such as diabetes or severe asthma), then she should discuss the option of COVID-19 vaccination with her obstetrician, GP and/or midwife. People with certain underlying medical conditions are at very high risk of experiencing serious complications of COVID-19.
Vaccination and breastfeeding
There are no data on the safety of COVID-19 vaccines in lactating women. The vaccines are not thought to pose a risk to children who are being breastfed.
The flu jab and Boostrix
All pregnant women should receive the annual influenza vaccination (Fluvax) when available in preparation for the flu season. They should also have the whooping cough vaccine (Boostrix) between 20 and 32 weeks’ gestation.

If you have any questions about COVID-19 vaccination, please speak to your WOGS specialist or see the RANZCOG guideline…/covid-19-vaccination-information