Covid-19 vaccination FAQs

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Covid-19 vaccination FAQs

Last week, RANZCOG and ATAGI jointly recommended that pregnant women be offered the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine. We’ve had a lot of questions from our patients – here are the most frequently asked questions.

  1. Is it safe to have the vaccine in pregnancy?
    Many pregnant women have had the vaccine world-wide, and the current evidence is that it does not pose a risk to either mother or baby.
  2. When in my pregnancy should I have the vaccine?
    It is safe to have the vaccine at any stage of pregnancy.

  3. Should I have the vaccine if I’m trying to conceive?
    Yes – the vaccine is safe for women who are trying to conceive, and for their partners.
  4. Is it safe to have the vaccine if I’m breastfeeding?
    Yes – there is no evidence of additional risks to breastfeeding women or their children from an approved COVID-19 vaccine.
  5. Are pregnant women comparatively more at risk if they catch COVID?
    It seems so – there is increasing evidence that the risk of severe outcomes from COVID-19 is significantly higher for pregnant women and their unborn baby than it is for non-pregnant women of the same age. That said, the risk is still low. The large majority of pregnant women infected with COVID-19 will experience only mild or moderate cold or flu-like symptoms.

  6. Should I also have the flu vaccine?
    Yes – it is recommended that all pregnant women receive the seasonal flu vaccine. This can be administered one week apart from the COVID vaccine. In some circumstances, such as difficulty accessing vaccines, these can be co-administered.

  7. To what extent will having the vaccine protect me from COVID?
    The extent to which COVID-19 vaccines protect against catching COVID or passing it on to others is not yet clear. However, initial data has demonstrated reduction in the length and severity of the disease if a vaccinated person becomes infected.

  8. To what extent will my having the vaccine keep my baby safe from COVID?
    There is also evidence that when a pregnant or breastfeeding woman is vaccinated, the antibodies she produces are passed to her baby through the placenta or via breast milk. This may give the baby some protection against COVID while its own immune system is still developing.
  9. Does WOGS administer the COVID vaccine?
    No – if you are eligible for the COVID vaccine based on the government guidelines, you should attend a vaccination centre or your GP if they are providing COVID vaccinations. At this stage, pregnancy is not an independent indication for vaccination.
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