COVID-19 update

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COVID-19 update

At the moment, the situation regarding Covid-19 is changing rapidly. We would like to reassure our patients that we are monitoring developments closely so that we can provide you with up-to-date information. One thing that we would like to emphasise is that, at this stage, it remains the case that there is no evidence that Covid-19 places pregnant women at an increased risk.

As you will be aware, we are co-located with The Royal Women’s Hospital, which brings ourselves and our patients the considerable benefits of having access to their resources. We therefore follow their processes and procedures, one of which is that currently all patients are screened prior to entering the hospital.

Here are the key points about coming to the hospital:

  • No children under 16 are permitted entry to the hospital.
  • We recommend that you attend your antenatal appointments alone if at all possible. If you require a support person, this must be limited to one person.
  • When you arrive at the hospital, please call our reception on 9348 1110 to notify them. They will give you instructions about when to come to the rooms to avoid overcrowding our waiting area.
  • If you are unwell, or have recently been tested for Covid-19, please notify our staff. This will NOT affect your care at any stage; it will simply give us time to prepare so that we can care for you safely.

We fully understand that the current situation and the consequent restrictions may cause you increased anxiety. If you feel that you need assistance at any stage, please do not hesitate to reach out either to your GP or to our midwives by contacting our rooms.