Covid-19 update

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Covid-19 update

From today (Thursday 23 July 2020), no partners, carers or support people will be permitted to enter The Royal Women’s Hospital to accompany outpatients to an appointment. This is in accordance with DHHS directives. We at WOGS encourage the partners, carers or support people of our patients to stay involved by phoning in to appointments.

Government regulations require all people in the hospital – other than women in labour – to wear a face mask.

We at WOGS are doing everything we can to ensure the safety of our patients. We have installed Perspex screens in reception areas, and our staff clean all areas thoroughly twice every day. We ask that you sanitise your hands on entry and exit, and avoid touching your face mask throughout your visit.

Please contact us if you have any symptoms consistent with COVID or test positively for the virus. This is so we can arrange to care for you and your baby safely.

Thank you for observing these regulations in these challenging times. We will continue to do everything we can to keep our patients and staff safe.