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Frances Perry House has updated its visitor policy, effective from Friday 22 2021.

The main changes are:
• Two designated birth partners can be present during labour and birth (with no time limit).
• Inpatients of maternity wards can have two people visiting together during visiting hours (2pm – 8pm). Please note that a partner/designated support person counts as a visitor but does not have a time limit.
• For the Newborn Intensive Care Unit and Special Care Nursery, parents or guardians may visit at any time. Two visitors (adults or the baby’s siblings) can visit together during visiting hours (2pm – 8pm). There can be a maximum of three people per cot at any one time.

• Inpatients of the Surgical Ward can have two people visiting together during visiting hours (2pm – 8pm). Please note that a partner/designated support person counts as a visitor but does not have a time limit.
• For Day Surgery patients, a partner or support person can drop the patient at Day Surgery but cannot wait in the hospital. They will receive a phone call when the patient is ready to be collected from the hospital.
It remains the case that one partner or support person can accompany WOGS patients to their outpatient and diagnostic test appointments.
A reminder that it is always okay to say no to visitors. The post-natal period is an exhausting time, and some of our patients have told us that they were able to rest and recover more easily when visitors were restricted because of the pandemic.
We will update you as soon as the visitor guidelines change. Thank you for your continued patience. The full, updated visitor guidelines can be found here: